Beitrag: Constitutional Rights as Principles and the Principle of Proportionality |
Samstag, 12. Jul 2014 |
A Comment on Alexy's Theory
by Teresa Sanader
„The significance of constitutional rights as
principles stems from their connection to the principle of proportionality. The
connection is as close as it could possibly be. (...) The principle of
proportionality with its three sub-principles of suitability, necessity, and
proportionality in the narrower sense follows logically from the definition of
principle." (Robert
Wirtschaftssteuerung durch die Europäische Union |
Sonntag, 29. Jun 2014 |
Am 20.6.2014 fand in der Claudiana die Tagung „Europäisches Wirtschaftslenkungs- und Regulierungsrecht" statt, die von assoz.Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller (UIBK) in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Nicolas Raschauer (JKU Linz) organisiert wurde.
Aktualisiert: ( Sonntag, 29. Jun 2014 )
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Beitrag: The Development of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine |
Montag, 12. Mai 2014 |
"As the margin of appreciation has shrunk so controversy has grown" (David Cameron, Speech in Strasbourg, 25 January 2012).
by Teresa Sanader
Aktualisiert: ( Montag, 12. Mai 2014 )
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